This is The Revolution
The purpose of this show is to educate people on revolutionary strategy, theory, tactics, and analysis using popular culture. While there are many other podcasts and shows discussing politics and popular culture, there doesn't aren't many that actually talk about and break down the mechanisms of how social change, let alone revolution, is carried out. I believe that my 12 years of experience as a political organizer and educator, along with my lifelong nerdom, will allow me to create useful content that can hopefully inspire and support those engaged in changing the world.
This is The Revolution
The Lion King, Coups, and Revolutionary Coups
This Is The Revolution
Season 1
Episode 7
We interrogate the concept of the Coup using University of Cambridge sociology professor David Lane's work and early 90s smash hit The Lion King. Uses the framework to discuss the white supremacist coup in Wilmington, North Carolina and Thomas Sankara's 1983 coup in Upper Volta that established Burkina Faso as a temporary socialist and feminist project.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Types-of-Political-Change-Putsch-Coup-detat-Revolutionary-Coup-detat_fig1_227617553