We interrogate the concept of the Coup using University of Cambridge sociology professor David Lane's work and early 90s smash hit The Lion King. Uses the framework to discuss the white supremacist coup in Wilmington, North Carolina and Thomas Sankara's 1983 coup in Upper Volta that established Burkina Faso as a temporary socialist and feminist project.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Types-of-Political-Change-Putsch-Coup-detat-Revolutionary-Coup-detat_fig1_227617553
We interrogate the concept of the Coup using University of Cambridge sociology professor David Lane's work and early 90s smash hit The Lion King. Uses the framework to discuss the white supremacist coup in Wilmington, North Carolina and Thomas Sankara's 1983 coup in Upper Volta that established Burkina Faso as a temporary socialist and feminist project.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Types-of-Political-Change-Putsch-Coup-detat-Revolutionary-Coup-detat_fig1_227617553